Saturday, April 12, 2008

First T-Ball Game

Wyatt had his first T-ball game today. We unfortunately do not have any pictures. I was helping Todd keep his kids in batting order and from picking flowers out on the field. I totally forgot to take any pictures. Todd was not suppose to be coaching, he was suppose to be helping. Some how he ended up coaching without any helpers. Well, except me. We really enjoy doing this. It can be very frustrating at times, but mostly very rewarding. Maybe after next Saturday's game we will have some pictures. Maybe if Sissy is there she can take some pictures for us.
Not to brag or anything, but Wyatt did so good today. He really seems to be interested in T-ball. Soccer is just not his thing. He hit and fielded good today. Who knows in 15 years he may be in the PROs. I hope he rememebers his Mama---HaHa!

1 comment:

Danielle Bridgers Banks said...

Sissy will be there with camera ready to go!! Just let me know the time and place. I'm sure he did do a great job. They are so cute to watch at that age and I bet Todd is a great coach!
