Saturday, November 22, 2008

We are the Champions.....Go Wildcats!

Wyatt had his championship football game today. They won 36-18. They did not lose a game all season. He has had such a good time playing, but we are all glad the season has finally come to an end. Not to mention we almost froze to death at the game today. Wyatt is very proud of his medal he received at the ceremony at the end of the field after the game.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

When life gives you mud puddles, our boys say "Jump in Them"

Wyatt and Warren had to try out their new boots and what better way than a mud puddle. They had a blast! Hope you enjoy these pics as much as I did watching them be little BOYS! Hope everyone is doing well. Remember GOD loves you!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Andy and his Chef

We had a great time Trick or Treating. Warren thought this was really cool, all we have to do is ring their door bell, hold out our bucket and wha-la...we get candy....COOL. After we would leave one house he would point to the one next to it and grunt as if to say, what are we waiting for....Candy awaits us and it is only a door bell ring away. Wyatt posed as an iron chef as we walked down the street and at most of the doors with his arms crossed. We were so excited that his chef coat came. We were pushing it, but it was delivered Halloween day while he was at school. He was so surprised when he got home and it had arrived. Now what to do with all that candy?
