Monday, May 23, 2011

Great Lessons to live by....

....these were borrowed from Dawna's blog (from a book she was reading. They were to wonderful not to share!

1- Always stay on the path. Do not take any shortcuts.
Don't be distracted by those who want us to follow the easy pleasures of life instead of staying faithful to God's ways of living, which will keep us walking with Him.
2- Remember that although you are traveling alone, you are not really alone.
As long as we are God's children, He is always with us. (Matthew 28:20)

3- Use your greatest gift while Crossing (or on your journey)
God has given each of us gifts to use for His guidance, He will give us the wisdom to make wise decisions in life.

4- The path will always show itself if you wait.
If we are patient and ask God for His guidance, He will give us the wisdom to make wise decisions in life.

5- Only those brave enough to make Crossing (the Christian journey) alone are ready to work for the Restoration of others.
Our faith is a personal faith. We can't depend on the faith of others to get us through. God wants to have a relationship with each of us as individuals, and then we can work together to accomplish His purposes.

Rules for Protection:

1- Whenever you live as a One Only, you are in danger.
We all need the help of others to keep us doing right. When we isolate ourselves, we are more vulnerable to sin.

2- Whenever the hum of the hatchet becomes foolishness, you are in danger.
We must take seriously God's Word and His ways. If we think they are silly, unnecessary, or outdated, we will be more easily influenced by the ways of the world.

3- When you forget to keep watch for the King, your are in danger.
We need to keep an eternal perspective, remembering that what we do for God's Kingdom is truly the only thing that matters.

4- When you begin to keep secrets from your close friends, when you find that you love darkness more than light, then you are in great danger.
It is important not to hide our sin from those who care about us. If we start doing things in secret, we can develop habits of sin that become harder and harder to break. God has provided a way to deal with sin so that we don't have to live with it. The sooner we confess our sin, the easier it is to become free from sin's hold on us.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Almost forgot I even had a blog......

Boy has a lot happened since I posted here last. Speaking of our newest addition Baby Will. William Thomas Bridgers (aka Baby Will) joined our family on March 10, 2011 at 1:02am. He weighed in at 7 lbs 5 oz and 20-1/2".

We have been very busy with all three boys since then.
Now we are in full swing with baseball and t-ball. Both boys seem to be enjoying their teams.

The weather is getting warmer and Spring seems to be in full swing. We are enjoying being able to get outside some to play. The boys have even snuck the water hose out and played in it.
Can't wait for summer except that means I will have to go back to work. Wish I could just stay home a little longer, but staying home sure is not gonna get the bills paid.