Sunday, December 28, 2008

Been meaning to post these pics......

"I think he is telling Nana how he wants his hair cut :)"

Warren had his first haircut the week before Christmas, Decemeber 18th. He was such a good boy, of course a little candy helped him along. He did not really have a lot of hair to cut, so it was more like a hair trimming.

Wyatt also had his class Christmas party on Dec. 18th. We had so much fun. I was elected (or volunteered by Wyatt, not sure which) to bring the cupcakes again. I was wishing that I had not spent so much time on the halloween cupcakes at this point. However, I could not send any old cupcake after sending the other, so off to the kitchen I went the night before after work to create some "cool cupcakes" as Wyatt referred to them. They turned out pretty good, even though the snowmen looked as though they were melting by the time we got to the party. Oh, well the kids did not care. They were excited to figure out all of the components of the decorations on the cupcakes. This time we made, Santa faces, snowmen, Christmas trees and Rudolph faces.

On Saturday Dec. 20th we had a special suprise.....Santa came by on the firetruck. Of course Warren was excited as we awaited him to get to our house. The sirens did not scare him (he got excited each time he heard them), but boy did Santa scare him. It was ok, Wyatt helped him out and told Santa what he and Warren were wishing for. a href="">

Well, I think I am caught up with my posting now. I am done rambling about our crazy life now.

One more....this is a face only a mother could love....isn't she cute. We are just loving Miss Molly to pieces. She is such a sweet girl. Finally I have an alli in a house full of men.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Hope Santa was good to everyone.......

Finally finding time to post some of our Christmas Pictures. We had such a great Christmas. The boys got everything on their list plus a very special gift that they had no idea they were getting. Heck we did not even know they were getting it until a few days before Christmas. Santa delivered the newest member to our family. Meet Molly the Pug. She is very adorable, sweet and full of energy. The boys just love her to pieces and Warren pronouncing MOLLY is the sweetest thing you have ever heard (it sounds like ma-wee! Wyatt also got a new bed, bunk beds. Santa was pretty slick, he replaced Wyatt's old bed with the new one without waking him up and Wyatt awoke in his new bunk beds. Wyatt was pretty excited to think that Santa picked him up while he was sleeping and put him in his new bed. Warren got his ride on Choo-Choo he was wishing for. Well, we hope that Santa was as good to everyone else as he was to us. Take care and hope you enjoy these pics and videos. Merry Christmas everyone.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Photo Tag

So here is my photo.....

This is my fourth folder, fourth photo:

This is such a precious memory. This was Warren at 20 weeks. I though for sure after seeing this that he would be a thumb sucker, but he never was (thank goodness). This seems like yesterday and now he is almost 2.

and since Issy, tagged 2 of the four people I would have and she would have been the third, I give up on tagging four other people.

I encourage everyone to paricipate in this next year...

We have participated in the Samaritan's purse shoebox drive for the past few years. It is really rewarding and great project to get kids involved in. I have attached a clip from Rev. Franklin Graham from this years shoebox drive. This is very touching....

Monday, December 1, 2008

Wyatt's First Hunting Trip

On Saturday Todd took Wyatt hunting for the first time. They had a really great time up at Catfish lake. Wyatt was all decked out in camo from head-to-toe, until he "fell in to a mud hole." Thank goodness mom sent a change of clothes in the goody bag. They saw a dear and some turkeys, but no meat to bring home. Oh, well!
Wyatt got to shoot his (or Todd's old) BB gun over the lake, he thought this was really cool. The pics are after the mud hole incident.

Wyatt's Mayflower Project

Wyatt's Thanksgiving Project---we had so much fun (helping Todd make it). And it Floated---yeah!