Monday, April 21, 2008

In Memory of My GRANNY

This post is really hard to write, I have been trying to do this since Saturday night. My beloved GRANNY passed away Saturday night about 9:15pm. She was a fighter through it all and tried hard to rally back. However, her tired and frail body could not keep going any longer. She will be missed greatly by many of us, but we know she is at peace now. She has been waiting a long time to join Grandaddy Bill on the other side of those Pearly Gates. I have no doubt that this is where she is now, walking with him hand in hand.

I was amazed by the number of people in her hospital room the night she passed away there must have been almost 20 of her closest family members there to bid her a final goodbye.

She was a good Granny and I know how much she loved her family. Her service has not yet been scheduled due to family coming in from out of town. I will post her arrangements later.

1 comment:

Danielle Bridgers Banks said...

Hey sweetie, I know how hard these times are and you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. In times like these, try to dwell on the memories you have of your Granny such as the pictures that you posted. Even though she is no longer with you phyiscally, she will always be with you in your heart and no one can take that away. Like you said in your post, she is in a better place, a wonderful place, rejoicing with all her loved ones that had gone before her. And most of all, she is well and no longer suffering!! Take care and remain stong as I know you are! I love you and if you need anyone to talk to you know where to find me!

